Identity Theft

Understanding Identity Theft

About identity theft

Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information and uses it to open new accounts or initiate transactions in your name. If you believe you are a victim of identity theft, report it immediately to your Branch Sales Officer or the nearest police station in your area.

How identity thieves use your personal information?

  • They can call your credit card issuer pretending to be you and ask to change the mailing address on your credit card account. The imposer then runs up charges on your account, because the statements are sent to the "new address" it may take some time to realise that there is a problem.
  • They can forge counterfeit cheques or create fake debit cards to drain your bank accoun

Protect your identity online

When conducting financial transactions, making purchases or sending personal information online, make sure the websites you visit are secure and protect your data from internet theft.
You should also look for the letters "https://" at the beginning of the Web site URL in your Web browser. The "s" means that the Web connection is secure.

How to protect yourself from identity theft

  • Don't put outgoing mail in or on your mail box. Thieves could use this information to steal your identity
  • Report lost or stolen credit and debit cards IMMEDIATELY. Make contact with your banking provider and have the cards ceased.
  • Report lost or stolen cheque books IMMEDIATELY
  • Be alert to telephone scams. If you are called, be aware of fraudsters trying to solicit personal information from you. Notify your bank and inform them of the suspicious telephone calls by perpetrators posing as bank staff
  • Secure your ATM or credit card receipts. These could be used by thieves to access your account information.
  • Discard mail properly. Shred them or rip them up into several small pieces before disposing them.
  • Keep your information private. DO NOT give out your financial information to anyone
  • Protect your personal computer and other electronic devices which contain personal information. Learn how your devices store and save passwords and account numbers and be sure any software you use to store personal data is secure
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